Colour Palette
Our main colours are black, white and silver, where silver symbolises the attractiveness yet robustness of our products.
Black is most often used for typography while white and silver act as supporting colours that can be used for backgrounds and design elements.
Envac Green is the colour of life found in nature and lush urban environments.
Use Envac Green as a background in text blocks, graphics, icons, arrows, and similar design elements.
It may also be used in text to emphasise facts, numbers, or statements, provided the overall usage of Envac Green remains below 30%.
We have two sets of PowerPoint templates, on dark or light background, and with different sets of theme colours for use in graphics.
In Envac Dark/Light, the theme colours are the main brand colours: white, black, Envac Green and shades of grey .
In Envac Dark Secondary/Light Secondary you will find another, more colourful set of theme colours.
RAL – Grey for collection station equipment
All Envac’s equipment/products should be painted in RAL, using one of our allowed grey shades. If in doubt which one is decided for your region, please check with your technical department. Use only one of the grey shades per collection station.
- RAL 7005 Mouse Grey
- RAL 7035 Ligth Grey
Tips when applying logos manually
Adding a logo manually can be challenging. But if you have to, we strongly recommend using a good quality peel-off sticker to avoid smudgy edges and dripping paint. It often results in a cleaner, more professional finish compared to painting.
If you still have to paint or spray the logos, apply the paint carefully and use:
- Envac White Gloss Level 5, a traditional semi-gloss with 50 units at a 60-degree angle
Envac White
CMYK: 0/0/0/0
Pantone White
HEX: #ffffff
RGB: 255/255/255
Envac Black
CMYK: 60/50/50/100
Pantone Black
HEX: #000000
RGB: 0/0/0
Envac Silver
CMYK: 30/20/20/10
Pantone 877
HEX: #b3b3b3
RGB: 179/179/179
Envac Green
CMYK: 40/20/98/5
Pantone 7745C
HEX: #a7a921
RGB: 167/169/33
NCS: S 2060-G70Y
RAL: 100 70 60
Use our tinted colours sparingly
You can also use our tints sparingly; they might add value in keeping our content from looking too complex or cluttered.
CMYK: 0/0/0/90
HEX: #1a1a1a
RGB: 26/26/26
CMYK: 0/0/0/80
HEX: #333333
RGB: 51/51/51
CMYK: 0/0/0/60
HEX: #666666
RGB: 102/102/102
CMYK: 0/0/0/50
HEX: #808080
RGB: 128/128/128
CMYK: 0/0/0/30
HEX: #b3b3b3
RGB: 179/179/179
CMYK: 0/0/0/20
HEX: #cccccc
RGB: 204/204/204
CMYK: 0/0/0/10
HEX: #e5e5e5
RGB: 229/229/229
CMYK: 0/0/0/5
HEX: #f2f2f2
RGB: 242/242/242