Typefaces - Fonts
Body Copy Font
Envac’s Roboto font has the purpose of both clarity, ease and modernity and should be used for running text, like emails, letters etc. Roboto is our new global standard font.
Each region is responsible of local distribution of fonts.
Headlines Font
DM Serif Display
Envac’s title font, DM Serif Display, is a classic font to be used for headlines and large text sizes. This is a font used mainly for signs and displays.
品牌中文字体 Chinese Font
To use in all standard communication, both header and body
楷体 Adobe Kaiti Standard
电子邮件 E-mail
信件等 Letter
品牌中文字体 Chinese Font
To use on web site, body font
思源黑体 Source Han Sans
正文文本 Body Copy Font
宣传物料 Promotional material (Banner,etc)
If you need to communicate in languages using written characters not shown here, please contact the Global Brand Manager.